A New Armor for a New Era

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A New Armor for a New Era

How the world has changed in just a few short months. With the emergency order in place in Ontario many businesses have faced significant reductions in activity and revenue. The impact on the Ontario labour market has been substantial as companies have had to adapt to rapid changes in demand for their goods and services. In most cases this has meant a steep decline in business output particularly in the service sector of the economy. In the case of companies which provide essential goods or services they have seen the opposite effect of surging demand and supply chain challenges. This has been a challenging time for staffing firms on both sides of this divide.

For Armor it has meant staying active and ramping up support for our essential service supply chain clients while counselling those clients which have been forced to shutdown as well as balancing our own internal staffing needs. Truly, this has been one of the most challenging periods in all of our lives.

With phased openings now underway in Ontario we face a whole new set of challenges both immediate and in the long-term. We are all learning that shutting down an operation is much quicker and easier than turning the switch back on and ramping up again. In regards to staffing the issue of short-term versus long-term needs becomes a critical issue to address. At Armor we face the same questions many of clients must address.

  • How quickly do we ramp up operations?
  •  How can we be better prepared for a second wave of COVID?
  •  How do we protect our workforce?
  • What is the right staffing plan going forward? What is the right mix of temporary and permanent employees?
  • How can we make our operations more flexible and adaptable in this uncertain environment?

Prior to the influx of COVID-19 into all our lives, Armor had implemented a business strategy called Workforce EDGE. This strategy was developed to help companies identify risk and opportunities and then implement staffing programs that minimize those risks and amplify opportunities. We operate our business based on this approach and we work with our clients using Workforce EDGE to quantifiably align their staffing needs with their business objectives.

Monumental changes like what we’ve all experienced over the last four months can cause chaos and indecision resulting in paralysis and disfunction. Fortunately for us we have the Workforce EDGE philosophy to fall back on at Armor. We’ve utilized this disruptive time to take a deep dive into our operations and to build a new strategy and approach to staffing. In essence we built a New Armor for a New Era. What this means for us is a 100% online approach to recruiting, testing and deployment of staffing resources. It means flexible pricing and hybrid pricing models that work for us and our clients. It means doubling down on what we do best, which is compliance, safety and client support.

For our clients, Workforce EDGE means a foundation upon which to systematically analyze risks and opportunities, identify requirements and develop a roadmap to move forward in these uncertain circumstances. In short, we may not have all the answers, no one does these days, but what we do have is a concrete well structured process that allows everyone to align around the needs of the client and their employees to achieve common goals and to drive towards recovery and long-term success.

To kick off the New Armor for a New Era we have launched a new website that captures our approach and introduces the Workforce EDGE program to the world. With this site we strive to demonstrate how we are a different kind of staffing firm, one focused on partnership, meeting the challenges of today and defining a roadmap for the future.

I hope you find our approach compelling and I invite you to contact us for a free Workforce EDGE session. The only commitment we ask from you is to listen and engage in a conversation. In the end you’ll walk away with a self defined roadmap for success and if we can partner to make that success happen then we have done our job.

Now is the time to work together, the stakes are high and the challenges great, but with perseverance and drive we can all emerge in this New Era with a new approach and mutual success.

Find your EDGE

Book your free consultation now and learn how to reduce risk and maximize opportunities with an effective staffing strategy.

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